Why use Portico?

Portico provides a lot of value over alternatives, here are a few reasons to choose it...

  • Standards Compliant

    Portico supports all the major IEEE and SISO standards. HLA v1.3, SISO DLC, IEEE-1516e, it's practically raining standards!

  • Open Source

    May the source be with you. No really, go get it. The full Portico source code is freely available. Fork us and contribute!

  • Commercial Support

    Need someone to help out with your TPS report? We've got you covered. Commercial support is readily available.

  • Easy to Use

    HLA is hard enough as it is, so we've tried to make the RTI easy. Portico doesn't use a central server, has sensible defaults and is designed to let you just get down to work.

  • Production Grade

    We slam sim. Daily. Portico is used in our commercial products and we hammer it hard, because we want the open standard to set the standard.

  • Worldwide Community

    Portico has been downloaded in more than 50 countries. It is used in government, industry and academia the world over, because open source knows no accent.

Commercial Support

Commercial support helps sustain Portico development and provides a number of benefits, including a dedicated helpdesk, long-term release support, custom development time and service-level agreements. For all the details, see the Support page.

Portico Enabled and Ready

Portico is continuously tested and validated against leading simulation systems from the Live, Virtual and Constructive domains.

I seeeeeeeeeee you

Unlike the big eye-thing in those movies, we don't see you. Your mother and I are very worried. You only call when you need something. At least sign up to the Announcements mailing list.

Call Me, Maybe?

Recent News

  • Jul 31

    Portico v2.0.1 Released

    With a bunch of community provided patches, the dev team can lay virtually no claim to this release. Portico v2.0.1 is available now for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

  • Jul 31

    Getting Groupy With It

    Worst. Pun. Ever. Let's just move on, shall we? Quick and accessible community support is essential to any open source project. Portico support is now powered by Google Groups, because... reasons.

  • Jul 26

    Portico Web 2.0

    I used to have a website like you, then I took an arrow to the knee. Not ones to let that stop us, we decided to release a new site. New look, new content, new stress, now released!


"In hendrerit, felis ac dapibus sollicitudin, leo leo tincidunt sapien, sit amet blandit tellus augue at arcu. Sed placerat adipiscing mi vitae vulputate. Sed odio nunc, congue elementum rhoncus massa. Pellentesque tempus diam sit amet tortor volutpat urna aliquam. "

John G. Riffe, Engineer

"Pellentesque justo urna, feugiat quis bibendum vel, consequat nec diam. Suspendisse potenti. Sed eu blandit neque. Nullam ut justo augue, sed accumsan est. Nam mi felis, gravida sit amet accumsan vitae, elementum ac lacus. Aenean ultricies sollicitudin dignissim.

Ann Smith, Redactor

"Suspendisse ultrices lorem sed ante mollis non luctus mauris convallis. In sed massa mauris, sit amet iaculis augue. Etiam dignissim fringilla vehicula. Proin tempus lacus ac velit convallis facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae."

John Doe, Designer