Portico API Status

Portico strives to implement as much of the various HLA standards as possible. Our stated goal is to be 100% standards compliant, but you can't have everything all at once - especially in your RTI! To make sure you know just which calls are supported by Portico, we've built these handy guides.

API Status / Portico

The table below links to separate pages that show the various RTIambassador and FederateAmbassador calls that are supported.




HLA v1.3
RTI-NG Compatible
Supported Supported
HLA v1.3 DLC
Supported Linux & Mac OS X
IEEE 1516-2010
HLA Evolved
Supported Supported

Deprecated Interfaces

IEEE 1516-2000 Deprecated Not Supported
IEEE 1516 DLC (2004)
Deprecated Not Supported

If Kevin is to be believed, anything is possible. Where "anything" includes you signing up to the Portico announcement mailing list, he may well be right. Is he? Don't let Kevin down. He's a big guy.