Release Date | Oct 22nd, 2014 |
Status | Released |
Download | Archive |
Git Tag | portico-2.0.1 |
Baseline | /maintenance-2.0.x |
This is a Maintenance Release. It is recommended for users currently on the specified baseline.
Portico v2.0.1 is the first maintenance release for the
major 2.0.x
stream. It contains a number of useful bugfixes, especially
for the C++ interface. Many of these fixes were submitted by members of the Portico
community - this particular release would not be possible without them.
The full Change Log is reproduced below.
Packaged JRE Updates to Java 8u20note
Portico support for Java 6 and earlier officially deprecated as Java 6 has reached
its official EOL. Java 6 support beyond v2.1 not guaranteedimprove
Standard development environment and packaged JRE has been updated to Java 8u20 on all platforms. (PORT-149
Patch to allow the setting of java system properties from within the C++ interface. (#30
- JeanPhilippeLebel)improve
Logging output from the 1516e interface will now be send to a file if the PORTICO_REDIRECT
environment variable is set. (#39
- raymondfrancis)bugfix
Reduced warnings and other compilation problems for c++ interface on Ubuntu LTS releases (PORT-17
Portico c++ interface and unit tests now compile and complete successfully on Mac OS X Mavericks (10.9). (PORT-146
Generated java code now backwards compatible to Java 6 (PORT-139
Fixed “Insufficient data” exceptions in 1516e C++ encoding helpers (#34
- lumixen)bugfix
Fixed encoding errors in the ieee1516e aggregate structs (#35
- lumixen)bugfix
Fixed intermittent crash in the 1516e C++ interface that happened when multiple threads accessed the RTIambassador
. Fix was also ported across to the HLA v1.3 interface. (#39
- raymondfrancis)bugfix
Corrected indirection for processing VariableLengthData objects in 1516e C++ interface (#39
- raymondfrancis)bugfix
Fixed TimeFactory
compatibility problem in 1516e C++ with code generated from Pitch Developer Studio (#39
- raymondfrancis)bugfix
Allow absolute file URLs in FOM module specification when creating a federation in the 1516e interface (#39
- raymondfrancis)
If Kevin is to be believed, anything is possible. Where "anything" includes you signing up to the Portico announcement mailing list, he may well be right. Is he? Don't let Kevin down. He's a big guy.